Stand out in the IT community

Codevio Company Visit Initiative (CVI)

Existing hiring processes are often inefficient due to lack of information. The talent market is not receiving answers to questions they have before the interview, thus making the whole interview process repetitively frustrating to companies and talent market alike. Existing platforms collect input from people related to the companies in question, sparking conflict of interest, making all information provided biased and less trustworthy.

As a community-based company, Codevio looks to reduce such cases by introducing Codevio Company Visit Initiative (CVI), an initiative to visit and pre-interview IT companies to collect common information and serve as an opportunity for IT companies to market themselves to the broad IT community.

How CVI Works


Codevio schedules a time with said IT company.


Codevio sends a delegate comprising of a maximum of 3 volunteers* and 1 representative to said IT company.


Volunteers will compile an opinion report comprising their view of the company**.


The report will be uploaded to our public CVI directory.

*Volunteer selection is based on, but not limited to the following criteria:

  • Volunteers must be related to the IT industry.
  • Volunteers cannot come from directly competing companies.

**Codevio ensures all views will be as objective as possible.

How CVI Helps


Be seen by the community.


Build branding image as a responsible employer.


Attract talent better aligned to your goals and aspirations.


For Companies

  • Yes. CVI is a free community driven initiative by Codevio.

  • As this is a fully community driven initiative and all committee members are volunteers, currently we are unable to provide an accurate timeline. But as of now, we are dedicated to sending 2 delegates per month.

  • We have a standard set of questions for Q&A. The rest is up to you to decide! Remember, it’s your time to shine, so don’t be shy!

  • As of now, we are only starting in Malaysia only.

For IT Community

  • Of course! We are always looking for more volunteers to join us. Register here.

  • Yes. In the registration form, we will ask you for your resume, solely for verification purposes.

  • Yes! Send an email to [email protected] and see how we can bring this initiative to your country as well!

Want to know more details about Codevio CVI?
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